Sunday, March 3, 2013

How to Link the Year of the Snake with Color Energy for Manifestation

For those fashionistas who have chosen to ring in the new year twice by including celebrations, meditations or house cleansing to welcome the year of the water snake, you most likely have enjoyed back-to-back festivities. At the same time, these two events have invited in yet another opportunity to reassess the 2013 resolution list and make some slight adjustments as to the order of your desired goals, dreams and  accomplishments. As long as you remain willing and flexible throughout the year...
, keep in mind, that you hold the key to your own success, opening the gateway to the right opportunities that belong to you under Divine Grace.

Although I have attempted to keep this blog without a specific religious direction out of respect to everyone's personal choices, there is something that needs to be said when discussing Divine Grace. In its simplest form, Divine Grace comes directly from whichever Infinite Intelligence source you adhere to. The Divine Design of your Life, which has been written about by countless meta-physicians including my personal favorite Florence Scovel Shinn, refers to the right paths, the right connections, the right opportunities as well as the right doors that only you are meant to walk through. And once you connect on this physical plain with the "right" areas of your life, manifestations come through at a rapid rate to create in this life what you have always wanted and deserve.

I re-read recently that whatever you are seeking, is seeking you as well. So its very important to stir up the right dreams for 2013. I don't mean just passing fancies that you think about for a few days and then let go. I'm talking about that dream that does not let you rest, that at every turn or opportunity you have, your mind circles back and wonders those magic albeit gnawing words "What if?"  What would your life resemble and look like right now if this particular dream would already be manifested? Answer it. I truly mean that statement. Get clear and answer it. You pick the time and place to do it, write it, speak it, whatever works best for you. But get clear and answer it. Its okay if you started off the new year with a bang that has already fizzled. Do not allow 2013 to become another "learning detour" by choosing not to focus.

The following words are associated with the year of the yin water snake (Si).

Rebirth. Transformation. Introspection. Wisdom. Knowledge.  

It's important to examine the different meanings associated with this Chinese zodiac animal as a starting point. Taking time to evaluate the metaphysical properties associated with the water snake empowers you to focus on the details that best suit your goals for 2013. Bear in mind, most astrologers, meta-physicians and Feng Shui experts often point to the positive and negative forces at work during the new year. At the same time, most comment that the positive energy forces revolving around these words are at work right now. To be exact, the starting point began on February 10, 2013 and lasts throughout January 30, 2014. Deeper meaning? Universal help is on your side. The reason for this? The qualities associated with the water snake are working in your favor. Make a firm decision and commitment to which attributes of the snake you are going to pay attention to while mapping out your action plan to manifest your desires.

As the snake sheds its old skin,  it makes way for rebirth. Thus, resulting in a new life. Use this attribute while you are reassessing the areas of your life you seek improvement and the changes you need to make in order to invite and welcome in this new life. As the snake sheds its old skin for rebirth, it also transforms. The transformation trait is also necessary if you have made the decision to change your life and circumstances this year. Ask yourself a few questions. For example, if you truly have made a firm decision with a full commitment, are you waking up with specific direction and purpose everyday? Lets dig a bit deeper. Do you feel that drive within to get steps accomplished everyday or do you still carry a lackluster attitude? If this lackluster feeling has taken root, then the first action to address, is pulling this root out completely. How can you tell? If you are focused on what you see right now around you for more than 50% of the day, this feeling has taken hold and you are most likely less focused on what you want to create. Take a moment to think and visualize what your day would look like from the moment you open your eyes from a deep slumber. Challenge yourself for one week to observe your thoughts and choose to make a  mental shift whenever you catch yourself focused on the issues at hand. This does not mean that you will neglect your responsibilities. On the contrary, you will invite a heightened state of awareness to accomplish these daily tasks to make way for your time to focus on the steps you need to manifest your desire. Since the snake also carries the trait of  introspection, this warrants the opportunity to take the time needed for reflection. Sometimes because of the pains of past disappointments, the drive to make things happen burns out. Life becomes a monotony of things that need to get done instead of passion for life. Choose to shift and change. The snake also carries great wisdom and knowledge. For example, for those fashionistas in business, this is an opportune time to tap into the wisdom the snake brings. Most likely, feelings of empowerment to spot complicated issues at a rapid pace will divert any unwanted business changes as quickly as spotted. If your business is growing or if you are in a job transition phase at the moment, reassess the areas that require new knowledge. For example, if learning a new software program will make your resume jump to the top of the pile for a head hunter or prospective employer or client, this is the year to begin your studies with enthusiasm and openness.

Now, how does all this information tie in with color energy? How do we take the qualities associated with the water snake and combine them with color energy to advance and manifest our goals?

First, what are the best colors associated with the year of the snake? 
Red, soft or pale yellow as well as black. The snake also responds to light blue and 
soft green throughout the year. 

When you are selecting your wardrobe, think of which attribute of the snake you will be working on that day. For example, if you are taking a new class, wear one of the snake colors that have the most meta-physical properties associated with knowledge. Keep in mind when selecting the color to ask yourself how you feel while you are wearing the chosen shade or tone. Remember, this is a yin energy year. This means that the feminine, cool, dark as well as passive and negative energy qualities associated with yin are at work in its strongest form this year. However, you can circumvent the energy by balancing the yin colors with yang colors. When it combines with the yang energy, which represents all things light, bright, warm and positive, the combined forces invite natural harmony and balance. For instance, walking into a pitch meeting calm, cool and collected, does not mean you want to appear low in energy. Do you want to do business with someone that appears too relaxed or aloof, without any excitement or confidence about their own product line, pitch or business? Achieve the cool factor wearing a yin color and balance it out with a high vibrating yang color. As an alternative, if you have selected blue (yin) as your snake color, although a light tone invites calmness, peace and trust, combine it with navy blue to also invite intellect and wisdom.

Yin Colors:
Soft Blue, Navy Blue, Black, Purple, Soft Green, Pink, Silver and Gray.

Yang Colors:
White, Yellow, Orange, Tan, Beige, Brown, Red, Mauve, Gold, 
Maroon and Lavender.

Take time this week to reassess how 2013 has been going so far. If you feel that it is not performing at the pace you envisioned it to be, take stock of your wardrobe, color choices and the attributes of the snake to re-commit and make tomorrow the first day of your new year.

As always, create a prosperous week.

“Dreams can come true… if we have the courage to pursue them” 
Walt Disney

“A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement” 
Bo Bennett

Leading An Inspired Life