Wednesday, December 5, 2012

How to Color Energize Your Handbag

     Most gals (and a few fashionable gents) grab their handbag, tote, work-bag or briefcase every morning without thinking to head off into the world and its many surprises for work, meetings, pitches or that all-important job interview. Since most of the posts have revolved around using color energy to attract what you want along with ideas, suggestions and thoughts regarding the subconscious and your personal energy space, one of the areas that have been neglected is how to use color energy with everyday accessories like your handbag as another empowerment tool...

     Have you ever noticed anyone because of their handbag and created your own mini novel of what their life must be like, where they most likely vacation or what their home life might be? This especially happens if you spot a bag by one of your favorite designers. The shape, design, color and trims send off an instant magnetic energy field attached to an aura of success and confidence around the person carrying it. Take advantage of this perceived notion and create this feeling for yourself. 
     Before selecting the color energy source for your bag, it is important to take stock of what your handbag says about you. It is also important to select a bag that exudes how you want to feel when going after a specific opportunity. For example, if your carry-on looks worn (and I do not mean vintage-cool), discolored, has a tear or skipped stitches, this bag will not make you feel empowered when stepping into a new business venture meeting. You most likely will find yourself doing your best to hide the bag somewhere behind your briefcase before stepping into the room, keeping it away from direct view of a prospective client or employer. This energy hinders any color attractors you may be wearing that day and it will also lower your personal energy sending off a signal of insecurity. Turn that feeling around by selecting a carry-all bag that creates a feeling within of success, confidence and self-empowered. If you are rewarding yourself for successful 2012 and making an investment in a favorite bag, select a shell that can turn into a conversation piece. If an investment is not part of your budget at year's end, do not dredge up feelings of failure. Instead go through your closet and pick out a bag that brings up a great memory or feeling of when you first purchased it. There are terrific cleaners on the market that can spruce up any worn leather or remove stubborn stains. Restore the bag to its former glory as an act to restore you and open the pathway for a new beginning. Your self-confidence will automatically shoot up, raising your energy level and converting it to a high-energy vibration which automatically attracts ______? You guessed it-success! Always remember, money is a high energy vibration. This paper type is sought after in large quantities by most and it is in constant circulation during the buying and selling process creating constant motion. Like attracts like. So if you walk in with this high level vibration, your handbag will walk out with what you desired.
     Once you have selected the right color energy source for what it is you want to attract, select the shell in that particular color for your carry-all accessory. For example, if you have selected green, black or red as the color source, a shell in these colors mixed with your clear intentions attract money, sales orders, wealth and business growth opportunities. 
     Feng Shui experts suggest choosing your personal color based on your birth date and energy element such as fire, wood, earth, water and metal to support you throughout the day. If your color choices do not make you feel confident with your ensemble, search for a bag that has your supportive color in the lining or trim. Remember, the strength of your clear intention will propel into the color regardless of how large or small the bag is or where the color is located. Here is a quick reminder of which colors are associated with a particular element.

Wood=Green, Blue
Fire=Red, Red-Orange
Earth=Brown, Yellow, Beige, Cream
Water=Black, Navy Blue
Metal=White, Gold, Silver

While selecting the handbag, think about the size and shape of the bag as well as how it coordinates with your ensemble, shoes and accessories.

      Although this tip is a common fashion styling note, by making the effort to select the proper size and shape, you are introducing harmonious energy into the mix. Think about it. Large totes are often cumbersome to manipulate throughout the day, creating a draining energy source. The size can also become a temptation of sorts by wanting to carry unnecessary items referred to as "handbag clutter." Again, this is the opposite of what you want to attract throughout the day. The same applies for a bag that is too small. You will worry about your personal items falling out or carrying an extra tote to keep the rest of your belongings. Once again, an unwanted energy drain. You can be practical, fashionable and a color energy source magnet by taking the time out to pick the right size and shape for you instantly inviting harmony and balance throughout your day.

     The inner workings of your handbag also says alot about you and what you want to attract. For example, are you constantly searching for things at the bottom of your bag often making it feel like the bottomless pit? Ask yourself if that energy makes you feel empowered when you meet a special contact at a restaurant and you want to give them your business card. First impressions do matter. Highly successful people are for the most part, highly organized and efficient people. They expect the best and want to do business with the best. Remember the motto, "Fake it while you make it." Make an effort while setting your intention to have your business cards handy in a specific compartment, clear out old receipts from your wallet, insert your cell phone and keys in an easy-to-reach zip or Velcro holder, organize your credit cards, travel documents, passports and keep family photos that raise your energy. If you carry energy stones, place them in a special compartment instead of floating around at the bottom of your purse. This organization will remove any insecurities and empower you throughout the day.

Leading An Inspired Life