Thursday, November 8, 2012

How to Harness Your Personal Power through Faith, Belief and Color Energy

      In the last post, we discussed the depth of our inner faith and belief and how deeply we truly wanted the things we were seeking. This analysis leads most seekers into what is often referred to as the "unknown." Often when we listen to successful mentors speak of the challenges they have faced, but succeeded regardless the odds, it seems almost "easy." As if the unknown was calling us to venture full steam ahead. But one thing that everyone needs to remember is that each experience is filled with different types of results. That is what generally happens when mixing faith and belief with metaphysical principles like color energy. The eventual result is...
ACTUAL CHANGE. The catch? We don't know exactly how the change will look like or exactly when it will occur.
     This subject is often a tough one. The truth becomes brutal. Why? Because it requires reflection on what is going on within ourselves when the actual change comes to light. And sometimes, the change is not what was expected. Its easy to look at someone's success and feel excited about following the same road. But what if during your pursuit, the roads lead to more unwanted circumstances? All of a sudden that same feeling of excitement turns on its head and converts itself into pangs of jealousy, envy and frustration. Its easy to point the finger and say comments like, "He/she are rich, what do they know. They're just out of touch." Well, its important to analyze those comments. Read about successful people and you will soon discover that the road to that success is also paved with deep disappointments, loss and bouts of frustration. What makes these individuals a true success is their inner determination to continue on regardless of outer appearances because they know how to access their personal power, faith and belief to the commitment of succeeding.

      If you ever took time several years ago of watching or reading the "The Secret" you probably realized that there had been several books already written about the same subject. Now I'll leave the "whys" to expert sales analysts as to the reasons for "The Secret" success, but I think its safe to mention that one of the major reasons this project was a hit could very well be tied to the level of energy as well as the type of energy its creators projected over the project from the get-go. The creator, Rhonda Byrne, reveals the personal unwanted circumstances she was facing. However, she was able to link her faith and belief into this new project, sending a direct message into the universe, which eventually became the catalyst for her own personal change. Her heart was 100% invested on this new path and into what she wanted to achieve. Its probably safe to say that everyone involved with the same project emanated the same vibrations.
     I caught another rerun of "Touched By An Angel" the other day after skimming over "The Secret" and don't you know that this particular episode touched upon one of the principles within the book. Tess, one of the characters playing an angel spoke about a passage in the Bible that goes something like this: "Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall open." Tess goes on to explain that the one thing most people do not realize is that when you ask, seek or knock, you have to do these actions with all of your heart. This is the only way you will manifest what you want. Doing things with a full heart. Tough one to accept that statement of doing things with a full heart because here kicks in personal responsibility.
     So how does this relate to harnessing your personal power through faith belief and color energy? In every way it does. Think about it. No matter what color you have chosen along with its metaphysical properties, you will only see the benefits come to light if you apply active faith and belief into what you want to occur. With that said, this action requires you to use every bit of your own personal power to manifest what you want. And that personal power is something everyone has and comes from within, but often times during moments of true adversity, we leave our own power that needs to come into play by the wayside.
     This is difficult to admit, but it becomes easier and easier to dread, complain and remain in an inactive stage of your life then to call upon your power through faith and belief to create the change you deserve and want. Ask yourself how many times you have set aside a dream because it has not come to fruition and a few days pass, you see or read something that reminds you of your dream and that familiar uncomfortable gnawing in the pit of your stomach returns, only louder than before. Well, what is that? It's your own personal power knocking on your door telling you that you are refusing to reach for your full potential in life because you choose NOT to have faith and belief in yourself and the universe. Key words: Refuse to Choose. On the very day you choose to harness your personal power and link it to your active faith and belief in yourself and the universe, power will be naturally generated into the color source of your choosing. And on that same day, the wheels of change will start, push and propel your desires into motion. 
     So here is the question you have to ask yourself before you invite your personal power and combine faith, belief and color energy to create change: Are you truly ready to accept complete change into the life that you have right now?
    If we revisit some of the points made in the last post, one of the key factors to consider when you embark into the realm of color energy to attract change into your circumstances is how much do you really want change. This is frightening because here is where faith comes in. You really do not know what to expect or how things will look like when change arrives. We all wish, pray, meditate or aspire for the best, but there is that scary part that lurks in most minds when embarking on this color energy journey. And that is failure and disappointment. And unfortunately, those two types of emotions weaken your personal power and if we continue to allow it to set in, it eventually squashes our motivation, courage, faith and belief. We settle for whatever life chooses to throw our way, thus pushing you further and further away from the life you always dreamed. It takes great discipline to be able to shut down that part of you that is tugging so hard for you to stay put.
     Here comes the good news. If you are deep rooted in your decision to changing your circumstances for the better, whether with a present relationship, business or even your spiritual life, by tapping into your personal power once again and linking it to a renewed faith and belief in yourself accompanied by your color energy source, it will lead you to view your present day unwanted circumstances not as a failure, but as a message from Infinite Intelligence that you are not going in the right direction to achieve your objective. This will remove all assigned blame, guilt and fear freeing you to analyze your present day choices and make new ones. This will empower you to harness your personal power while actively renewing your faith and belief in yourself.

     Now lets take a look at the pesky emotions roaming around our inner worlds deterring us from tapping into our personal power. How can color energy help to combat against these dis-empowering human emotions? These feelings, which most spiritual advisers refer to as negative emotions, only come into play when you decide or expect a specific outcome for each step along the pathway to your desired change. Think about wearing light colors like blue or white to clear any of these emotions. Study each metaphysical property within each color and wear it with that intention in mind. Pink attracts love, but it also attracts healing. While you carry or wear your chosen color energy source, let go of the outcome and continuously ask yourself if the direction you are going in is truly what you want to achieve. By taking the time to ask yourself how deeply you really want this change, it will help you reassess your outlook and diminish any disappointment. For example, what if you are in a job that you truly do not enjoy but because of the weak economy, you are not prepared to change or go after something else. Well, terrific! Give me a minute to explain. Look at your job as the means to your dream and your change. The existing job or account is maintaining your present circumstances, giving you one less thing to worry about. Let this re-energize you and then embark on taking your calendar and figuring out which evenings or weekends you can spend planning or taking certain steps to creating the change you truly want. Always remember, the quickest road to disappointment in life is what surely happens when you choose not to follow the dream of who you were sent here to be.

     As always, create a prosperous week.

Leading An Inspired Life