Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Link Faith, Belief and Color Energy to Manifest Your Desired Life

     Cooler temperatures mixed with leaves turning to rich colors of red, orange and gold as they gently tumble from the trees are nature's quiet reminders that the 2012 year is coming to a close. It feels like yesterday when I was writing blog posts about the year of the water dragon and now I find myself in the midst of preparing upcoming blog posts for the year of the snake-2013! This got me thinking about what goals were realized and accomplished from this year's resolution list and what desires require further attention before the year finally comes into its home stretch.
     Its easy to be overcome with feelings of inadequacies if the resolution list has gathered some dust and been put aside. But before diving into any "blame game" mind battles about not achieving specific goals, albeit business or personal, did you ever stop to think that perhaps the one ingredient that is preventing you from achieving or attracting what you want is directly linked to the depth of your faith and belief that it can actually materialize? This is especially true if...
you implemented color energy to attract and achieve certain events or circumstances, which can very well include reaching sales projections, new product lines or even getting hired at a new firm you wanted to join.
     It also got me thinking about the impact one's faith and belief has when working with color energy. Its not so much giving color energy a chance with your wardrobe or accessories, although it does jump-start energy flow in the right direction, but its also the depth of your faith and belief in what you are doing. Remember, you are your own conduit energy source. You have the power to infuse your faith, belief and intention directly into your color energy source as well as the power to diffuse the color energy and its metaphysical properties altogether.  Its very important to acknowledge the energy flow that you carry. If you are feeling the three "d's," doubtful, drained and disillusioned, recognize that you are transmitting those energies into the color energy selected in your wardrobe.
     The other day I was switching channels and heard a line that goes something like this, "Its takes a whole lot of faith to believe in yourself and your ability to make your dreams come true." My interpretation is that if you do not have deep faith in yourself and your higher energy source, you do not have a deep-rooted belief in you or the goals you want to manifest. Faith and belief work hand in hand and one does not work without the other.  
     Usually when an entrepreneur, small business person or job seeker goes towards a new venture, they do not know how its going to come about. Conventional wisdom may indicate to the risk-taker that the right people are not lined up, the long list of potential customers are non-existent and the potential for rejection is greater than success. Yet somehow risk-takers deeply believing in their idea and their own abilities, pick up and go towards that very thing that can not be seen. Most of the time the risk-taker is the only one that can see the achievement before anyone else. Suffice it to say, that normally advisers will be more prone to suggest the impossibilities surrounding the idea or vision.
     Often times we allow misguiding comments to penetrate our thoughts during weak moments, leading most to add fuel to the belief that you must be insane to go towards something you do not know exactly how to create. God bless all of those out there that face those obstacles and muster up the strength, courage and inner knowing, every second of every minute of every day to go after their dreams. Inner knowing, one of the keys linking your faith to your color energy source. A "knowing" that deep down your goal will happen.
    Take a few moments to re-evaluate your color energy practice and strategy for 2012. Did you arm your color energy practices with deep faith and belief? So many books have been written about the power of belief and faith. For those of you that are believers in a higher force and read the Bible, Matthew 9:29 states, "According to your faith, be it done unto you."
     So, if you are willing to give your faith a chance to believe in yourself and your dreams once again, take some time to break down your color energy practice. For example, for those that meditate with color, do you go into the meditation practice with an unshakable knowing that this session is setting in motion your goal to be manifest or do you go into it with reservations that perhaps it may or may not happen? This is where the direct link of faith and belief to color energy comes into play.
    So what if your faith and belief in yourself is a bit shaky right now? Perhaps you have made a few wrong decisions or your business has taken a detour in an unwanted direction. This also includes any mistakes made while feeling over-worked, over-whelmed or tired. All of these factors have to be considered, especially if you are fatigued or run-down and your thought process is not sharp.
     Re-examine your color choices. Have they enhanced or re-energized your personal power? Has your inner strength grown and encouraged your level of faith and belief, primarily in yourself and what you desire or has it dissipated over the last several months? For instance, if you selected red as part of your color energy source for your business, which shade did you select? Certain shades can awaken or depress your inner motivation. So if your faith is on shaky ground because this year has not been going as you had envisioned, wearing or meditating the wrong shade will add to the feelings of discouragement or non-belief. Examine the shade. For example, scarlet red, which is an orange-tone red, adds vitality, enthusiasm and a touch of fun mixed in. If wealth, higher income or more sales are part of the goals list, think of shifting to the red tone, such as burgundy. This purple-tone red denotes less energy but catapults you into a determined ambition while taking dignified actionable steps towards your goal. Burgundy tones also enhance focused power and is depicted as a wealth color energy source.
     Ask yourself what do you need to do to re-activate your faith? If you need a little help to organize your thoughts and clear your mind, wear turquoise shades for a few days. If you feel a sense of unrest, wear soft shades of blue to encourage trust and peace. If you always trusted your gut and lately have taken a detour away from listening to your inner voice, wear indigo to restore your intuitive qualities. And if you have been feeling a bit off-center, wear green for a few days to re-encourage balance into your life.
     As another option, when you wear the color you have selected, ask yourself how the item feels. Does the energy around the garment feel light or heavy? For instance, if you wore a purple top to a meeting to open your creative channels and the meeting was side-tracked by constant interruptions or discord, the garment most likely walked away with the negativity, even if you were able to sell your ideas or new concepts. Wash the garment immediately setting forth a new intention filled with positive creative forces. Once dry, place under a window where the direct sunlight can reflect on it for several hours. This practice will naturally cleanse out and release any negativity the color energy source attracted during the meeting. It will also re-energize the garment for another meeting or event. 
     I know faith has somehow become a touchy subject these days, especially if you watch any TV or Internet news, but most folks are open and tolerant of each other in gentle ways. So whatever your faith-based inclination may be, don't be afraid to re-ignite your faith in your higher power, which in turn, equals your faith and belief in yourself. At the end of the day, don't you owe it to yourself to believe deeply in you, in your own abilities, highest dreams and ambitions? There is and only will be only one magnificent version of you. Might as well give it all you got and live your best you while here on earth, experiencing your idea of heaven right now!
     As always, create a prosperous week!

     For those color energy early birds wanting to get a jump-start on the year of the snake, it begins February 10, 2013 and ends January 30, 2014. In the upcoming post this month, I'll give a sneak peek "year-of-snake" color story for those fashionistas looking to get started on 2013 fashion preparations.

Leading An Inspired Life