Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Use Color Energy to Overcome Adversity

For some reason the other day I started thinking of how color energy can help when facing severe adversity or challenges in life. Although this blog remains rather upbeat, I have stayed away from harsh realities that alot of people are currently facing. Whether the adversities are financial or personal, when these issues in life strike (and they somehow do feel like a strike from above) the challenges feel insurmountable. The ugly truth is that no matter how many books you read or how many friends tell you its going to work out, when you are going through these unwanted experiences, it feels like you are in the midst of a life battle that you somehow can not or will not recover from or win. Circumstances start to challenge your belief in yourself while testing your faith, regardless of whether you believe in God, the universe, Infinite Intelligence or nature. One of the dark downsides of adversities is when you start to question, doubt and sadly enough, believe that you may not be capable of pulling yourself out of the situation. The problem compounds itself when...
you feel confused and without clear direction, making things seem more impossible than what they really are.

If you have started some type of meditation or visualization as part of your color energy practice, you most likely are becoming aware of your breathing pattern as well as sensing feelings during specific movement within your body. Years ago, I was fortunate enough to have studied at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute in New York. One of the many things I learned about was sense memory. When you experience harsh moments in life, your body records memories, shock or trauma in specific areas. For example, if you are feeling tense or nervous about a situation, your core most likely feels uneasy. This feeling generally turns into a constant gnawing sensation possibly in the pit of your stomach. And even when you find solutions to your pressing problems, your body will remember the shock. Unfortunately during times like this, other unresolved issues surface. For instance, you may refocus your attention to certain moments in your life when you attempted new ventures and failed. Thoughts of comparison begin to swirl in your mind as you relive vivid pictures of friends or colleagues that have flourished, while you remained the same or took several steps backward, never reaching your full potential. This also applies if you are frustrated because you have yet to find your right path for career, love, friendships or business. The feeling of disappointment digs deeper and entrenches itself in your system. So let's be frank. Although this is a hard point to admit, it is hard to look at others success when you have put the same amount of time, effort and passion, if not more than enough, and things still don't work out as you would like. And sure you feel guilty for feeling this way while wishing others continued success. But remember, it is called being human and its okay to feel upset and frustrated as a way to release these energies from your system. The real issue comes in when you turn that roving eye of comparison into pangs of envy, jealousy and sometimes sheer hatred over someone else's success. I would like to offer this. Its very easy to look at someone's success as the end result. But have you ever sat down and asked a very successful person what they went through or the failures they endured financially or personally to become successful? You would be surprised to learn that most folks that have created success in their lives have risked it all, have put their families on the line, and have suffered defeat and disappointment more times than anyone can withstand.

So, what is it? I think a specific or direct answer to the "whys" of life still eludes most spiritual teachers or motivational speakers. I reached for my books and notes taken over several years of studying energy to see if perhaps I had written an acceptable answer from an enlightened teacher,hoping that if someone reading this post was going through a tough time would feel re-inspired and reinvigorated to go on with a new
attitude and direction. Well, I started becoming frustrated because no matter what advice or suggestions were offered within my notes, I kept asking myself, "Yes, but when you are going through a situation and you have run out of options, what do you do then? Who do you speak to or where do you go for the right answer to your problems?" Its easy for anyone that isn't plagued by hardship in the present moment to make suggestions like writing down the problem or coming up with several possible solutions with an action plan. Others may suggest meditation, change your thinking or to feel your way to the right path. However, the cold hard facts remain. Your inner spirit feels broken and uninspired. The more time that passes without a solution in sight, the deeper the frustration and disappointment takes root. This leads me to a follow-up question. What good are you expecting on a daily basis? What you expect, you get.

In Dr. Joseph Murphy's book "The Power of Your Subconcsious Mind," he writes directly to what happens to your thinking when you are attempting to find a solution to your pressing problems when facing them through the angle of fear, worry and doubt. On page 83, the topic titled "How to Receive Guidance from Your Subconscious" Dr. Murphy states, "...when you fail to see the solution to your problem, begin at once to think constructively about it. If you are fearful and worried, you are not really thinking. True thinking is free from fear."

During harsh experiences in life, decisions still have to be made. You have to choose whether you standstill or take action by picking yourself up over and over again, until you arrive at your desired destination. Now there's a word. Destination. Once you have the exact point carved out for your life, the wheels of life start churning to your advantage, but without a clear next step during adversity, you fall into a stagnant pattern or worse, move backward and farther and farther away from what you want. Sounds gloomy and it is if you CHOOSE to stay in it. Something has to irk you enough that you become sick and tired of being sick and tired. Always remember during these moments that life is about transition and this too shall pass.

Well, it dawned on me that although it feels as if you are not being answered while soul searching for clear paths, guidance and direction, you are continuously being answered. Unfortunately, when you are clouded with anxiety, worry and fear, you can not see the answers that are being delivered. For instance, if you have selected a specific color and you attempt to "force" the outcome, color energy will not deliver the results you intended. Have you ever stopped to flip the problem around and look at it from another angle? What if God or the universe is sending you signals and events to let you know that specific chapters in your life are officially closed. Yes, its difficult to accept especially if you are not ready to let go of a particular situation. However, energy moves events and circumstances. Infinite Intelligence may very well want to bring new experiences into your life, even if the road is not fully carved out and shown to you. Its called faith. Its hard to accept how the universe delivers answers you are not willing, ready or prepared to see, especially when you have convinced yourself otherwise or have mapped out a specific plan for your life. But sometimes acceptance is the catalyst to changing the negative flow of your life into positive currents. Continuously going against it, is like swimming against a high tide. You will be tossed and swallowed before coming up for air in a completely different direction.

So how does color energy fit in during adversity? I guess a key word to inject is "overcoming" adversity. Choose not to be swallowed, no matter how hard the situation is. Don't you feel that you deserve better than this? Then choose to give the best to yourself. During difficult times, wear light colors or soft shades. These color schemes will restore inner calm. As you are getting dressed, if it is still hard for you to visualize yourself with the problem already solved, then just wear the light colors with the intention that you are asking the universe for a clearing. Stay away from dark colors, like black, navy or deep browns as well as any color you gravitate to when feeling down. Your system needs complete healing, restoration, attention and most of all-love. Deep colors will naturally lower your energy when you spirit is weakened. Keep in mind, that you cannot get to the next chapter of your life if you continuously look in the rear view mirror. Pastels are great colors for clearing exercises, especially when you are seeking solutions or guidance. Its not easy to rely on your faith. Its a test of your will, determination and courage to wait for true guidance. So how do we know when guidance comes when you still feel confused? Here's a quick tip I once read about in a book. When you have serious decisions to make, check your internal barometer. What this means is to ask yourself how the decision makes you feel. Agitated? Sudden peace? If you experience an interior sense of calm, you are on the right track. However, if you feel added anxiety and worry, it is clear that this is not guidance.

Sometimes when you have prayed, hoped, dreamed and even worked with color energy, the most crucial ingredient is surrendering the problem. Combine color energy with words of inspiration. Compile a list of quotes, messages or scripture that have immediate impact when you read them. Listen to uplifting or upbeat music. This action by itself raises the energy level around you and your living space. Certain songs transport you to a different place and time in life, which can spark an immediate idea, solution or hunch to follow. Yes, intuition.

If your present struggles are testing your faith, I would like to share a story with you from Dr. Murphy's book that inspired me. I truly hope that if someone reading this blog is going through a difficult period in life that has persisted for years, that this post somehow re-ignites hope in your heart. The story goes something like this:

A man raising 3 children lost his job. After countless resume submissions and job interviews, a position or offer was no where in sight. Time started passing by as constant fear and worry engulfed his mind. Every time he felt these negative energies, he started repeating to himself, "Thank you Father for my wealth." There wasn't any money in his accounts and the bills needed to get paid. Again, he repeated, "Thank you Father for my wealth." As days continued to pass without an end in sight or any sign from above, the words became difficult to utter. So, when fear started turning into panic and anxiety, he simplified the words to "Thank you Father." The reasoning mind tried to steer him away from his path, but he kept repeating the words. Three weeks passed by and nothing, but this man persisted. One day he decided to go run a few errands and while walking in the street he bumps into a man that he had not seen for over 20 years. Although he had briefly worked for this man, he made a lasting impression. "I was just thinking about you. I started a new business and I remembered how terrific you were in this area. I couldn't find you number anywhere!" They started talking and he offered him the job. As the conversation continued, the employer offered him a $500 signing bonus as a sign of good faith. Although he needed more funds than was offered, he believed that his words were moving the wheels in his favor. So, he accepted the position at a much lower salary. The reasoning mind started to attack him with ego-driven content, "You deserve more than this! Why should he make more than you when you work just as hard?" But the man persisted and shoved the thoughts out of his mind. He knew that his faith was in motion. One year passed and the company flourished. This man is now vice president of the entire firm and makes more than he had allowed himself to imagine.

So, as I close this post, while things are not going well, do not allow your reasoning mind to convince you that your prayers, meditations or color energy efforts are not working. And yes, it surely does feel as if its not working. But it is. Energy takes time to move because other elements at play to deliver what you want need to move as well. Something new is in its preparation stage just for you. A new chapter filled with new people, opportunities and experiences. When your right path appears and everything starts to simultaneously click in your favor, rest assured that the stars in the sky will shimmer and the sun will shine its brightest on you. As you are searching for inspirational quotes, I would like to offer you the following.

"Your former state will be of little moment, for in time to come you will flourish indeed." Job 8:7.

Leading An Inspired Life