Friday, June 15, 2012

How to Re-Motivate Yourself Using Color Energy.

     Have you ever felt a surge of energy to try something new, start a new business or home project and then once it gets going you suddenly feel less motivated, deflated or lose complete interest? The same applies to undone scattered projects throughout the office or living space. If this action is something that you have experienced (believe me, you are not alone-yours truly is in the same group) overtime the pattern of stopping and starting, quitting or overall discouragement disheartens you and your inner spirit. Even the simple action of saying to yourself "I'll do it tomorrow" creates a low energy flow around you that will make you  feel less focused, motivated and lethargic. This pattern continues to grow and fester until complete procrastination sets in.
     It is important to remember when working with color energy and its many benefits that life, energy or "chi," as referred to in Feng Shui, are energy forces with continuous flow and movement. If you have recently felt less motivated or have lost that "gusto" you once had to attack any challenge and rise above circumstances regardless of how difficult, one of the many possibilities causing this is...
that you are surrounded by a higher percentage of colors that absorb energy instead of reflect energy.
     Since I started the blog, my main focus has been on using color to get what you want, but I rarely have touched upon the point of how to use color to re-energize or re-motivate your inner energy flow. Easy flowing energy and movement naturally creates balance and harmony with your immediate surroundings and inner spirit. If one part or factor becomes unbalanced or inharmonious, negative occurrences start to arise. If you started keeping a color energy journal, it also important to take note of these unwanted occurrences, including outfits, accessories or surroundings that may have also played a factor. This imbalance within yourself, your wardrobe or living space sets in stagnation, low energy and stops movement. This is especially crucial if you are in the midst of increasing funds for a new venture, restoring your income or raising capital for your business. Money is a high-vibrating energy with constant flows of ever-circling movement. For instance, if you use mantras with color energy like "Money flows easily and frequently to me at all times. As money flows out, it easily flows back in," this mantra represents easy flowing money circulation. The same applies if you are an entrepreneur, small business owner, or in between jobs, and you have lost financial resources, income or personal wealth. You need to re-evaluate your surroundings and the color enveloping you. This becomes more evident when you have mapped out a goal list for the balance of 2012 and have just realized the first half is over and you still have a few things leftover from your January resolution list. Let's face it, if you do not get up and accomplish your goals, its safe to say that the goal is not going to knock on your door by itself. Taking time to evaluate the colors around you as well as the colors you are wearing gives you immediate insight on the "whys" of your circumstances and constant choices. This also includes how you handle situations or perceive events and circumstances.
      Color influences your energy level. It can either work to your advantage by recharging your inner spirit batteries, re-program your subconscious or it can also take you in the opposite direction and drag down your personal energy. Keep in mind, that once your personal energy drags, so does everything else you want to accomplish. If you have any mentor you have selected along the way, most likely these highly accomplished individuals rarely stop. They are in constant movement. I don't mean running yourself ragged. There is a significant difference to constant movement and scattered focus.
     Feng shui practitioners divide the color spectrum between yin and yang colors. Yin colors absorb and Yang colors reflect. If you keep in mind that color is a vibration that impacts you consciously as well as subconsciously, you will be able to determine the best color choices for what needs improving or enhancing in your life. Since this post is about re-energizing and re-motivating yourself, the focus will be on yang colors to create a positive energy flow throughout your inner self. Bear in mind, yin colors are not negative colors. This area of color brings healing as well as a calming effect in high-stress situations. Yang colors are used to raise your energy level.
     Below I've listed a brief synopsis of the yin and yang color properties. Take an inventory in your closet and see what needs rearranging. For example, if you are in need of yang colors, move them to an area in the closet that when you open the closet doors you catch an immediate sensation of positive color energy flow. You do not have to go out and buy anything new. Use what you have.

Examples of Yang Colors: Yellow, Orange, Red and White
Examples or Yin Colors: Blue, Green, Black and Purple.

Yellow: If you are in need of cheering up or uplifting your spirits, wear something yellow, like a lightweight top or accessories. This sunshine color naturally has a gentler energy than red. It can also create a surge of happiness within, making you want to go out and meet new people or get together with friends. Although this is a color filled with warmth, use it sparingly to avoid anxiety. If it makes you feel a bit uneasy, interchange the color with a mustard yellow or ochre. Remember, using yang colors is about balance.

Orange: If you have been feeling lethargic or scattered about a new venture, wear something orange to re-focus your concentration skills and add an extra push to your creative juices. If you work out of a home office with a sofa or chair as part of your furniture decor, re-do some pillows with an orange pillowcase. This color will re-energize and re-motivate your sense of purpose and re-introduce organization into your office space or working environment. If you do not own orange tops, interchange it with vermillion or fushia.

Red: One of the most significant colors used in Feng Shui to instantly inject vibrancy, joy and happiness. This color represents wealth, abundance, personal power, career success and good fortune. Ask yourself how you feel when you wear it. A few weeks ago I inserted a short video blog discussing the differences when using a bright or dark red on a job interview or pitch meeting. Too much of this color can cause restlessness. If this is the color that re-motivates you, do not over do it by adding too many red knick-knacks, painting walls or accessorizing your desk with only red elements. Once you feel re-energized, the color therapy has served its purpose.

White: This is the most "yang" color of the spectrum because Feng Shui practitioners refer to it as the color containing the 7 colors of light. Although it is mainly associated with purity, it also restores confidence and poise. If you have been having trust issues with clients, this color will also enhance trustworthiness. If you work out of a home office and you tend to take care of things around the house instead of focusing your attention to creating sales, paint the wall where you sit or face white. This color, which automatically introduces the metal element, will create energetic tension in the space, pointing you and your mind to focus as well as increasing your productivity. If you feel uncomfortable painting the wall white, bring in white or metal objects in the space. You can even jazz up your home office attire wearing a white t-shirt with metal-like trim.

     One of the key indicators that occurs when you feel new, positive energy flow from yang color energy is that you will have a natural movement towards motivation, vitalization and an energized sense of self.  Use color energy to re-motivate and re-energize your mind, body and spirit. Once the color begins to alter or change your mood, feelings and thoughts, you are on the pathway to accomplishing whatever your heart desires with peace and harmony aligning with every step you travel.

(Quick Tip: If you want something positive to happen quickly, move 27 items in your living space, even if its just an inch, with the intention of re-energizing your space with life force energy. Be careful when you do this. Do not be surprised if a bulb goes out or something old and cherished breaks. This is a clear indicator that you have moved the energy in your space and things have started flowing once again. Be extra gentle with your favorite knick-knacks during this process to continue the positive color energy flow.)

Leading An Inspired Life