Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Release Your Fears with Color Energy

Recently I watched Anthony Robbins (one of my favorite motivational coaches) speak on television about fear. This 4-letter word has the capacity to create havoc in our minds and inner worlds. Although the feeling of fear can alert you out of harm's way or possibly deter you from making wrong decisions, it can also create an invisible trap, confining your thought process and ultimately diverting you away from achieving your goals...
Suffice it to say that this emotion has the ability to stop you in your tracks and prevent you from moving forward. If you allow your inner emotion of fear to fester and grow, fear transforms itself into a negative energy that attracts the complete opposite of what you want to create. And if you have been working with color energy, it has the ability to cancel out the good things approaching manifestation. For example, if you are taking a leap of faith with a new career path, business venture or job interview, fear will work very hard to create every "what-if" scenario to keep you away from the opportunities you are attracting. Fear will also continue to work against you at every turn as a destructive and pulverizing energy source. Once this energy source takes root, you will most likely start to divert your attention to conversations, reports or imagery confirming your fears. Even the most courageous fashionistas can absorb this emotion and become stagnant, stopping you from taking chances or necessary risks for your business and career. If you choose to make fear-based decisions for any area of your life, know that this road becomes paved with disappointments. Fear takes an ugly turn as it grows into a belief and the detours of life begin and take root, leading some to quit the pursuit of their dreams and happiness.

This topic got me thinking on how the feeling of fear translates into our wardrobe and attitude. It sneaks into our minds and creeps into our hearts as we approach  the new opportunities we have attracted by working with color energies. Sometimes negative circumstances, financial hardships, disappointing sales, wrong business turns, or even the new job turning out to be not what you had hoped for, causes us to feel defeated, tired and run-down, prompting us to give up. It almost feels like a double defeat if you have been meditating, visualizing, clearing clutter, and making your intentions with your color choices. No matter how disappointed you feel, this is not the time to give up and give in to fear. However, it is the time to dig your heels in and know this moment too is transitory. I promise you, if you do this, you will discover what you are made of and you will meet your inner strength. Your spirit will rise to the occasion and pull you through. It is crucial to not get stuck in the negative moments of life with its many twists and turns. You do not know when your breakthrough is coming. Always remember, your darkest hour prepares you for your greatest victory. Believe me, I know how challenging it is to believe in these statements when every circumstance appears as if it is working against you and not for you.

Another point to consider is that often times when you feed into your fears and become afraid to move forward, the universe pushes and thrusts you forward, whether you are ready or not. For example, if you recently experienced a job or financial loss, the universe is letting you know a new opportunity has been set up just for you. Situations like this often cause us to avoid paying attention to how we dress on a daily basis and repeating this action creates an undisciplined lifestyle, eventually showing up in our business and finances. Feelings of fear and defeat can weave itself into an invisible overcoat that we choose to carry throughout the day. Although Anthony Robbins has a deeper approach on how to get rid of fear, when you are in the throws of these unwanted emotions as you face uncertain circumstances or challenging financial times in business or personal life, getting rid of fear truly becomes a feat for your soul and spirit. Whether you believe in God, the universe, nature or an infinite intelligence, call out your success. Pastor Joel Osteen says, "Shake off that defeat, disappointment and discouragement. Put your shoulders back and lift your head up high."

Certain colors help to dilute these feelings of fear and defeat, acting as healing energies, such as different shades of blue and purple. For instance, choose crystal or gemstone accessories with healing properties to mix and accentuate your ensemble. You can also match the colors of the stones you are wearing with certain pieces in your wardrobe as you transition from a feeling of fear to courage. This will enhance the power of the color energy. For example, if you are wearing a necklace or bracelet made out of Amazonite to increase emotional stability during this time, choose medium-toned green and blue color pieces. If you choose Aquamarine with its turquoise over-tones, this stone of courage will help you while struggling with fear, letting go of the past or removing any difficulty you encounter as you go through life transitions. Blue lace agate reduces fear and brings inner peace. If you need help calming your inner emotions, look at the colors within blue quartz. These color tones relieve stress and release an overall calming affect. Another great stone for balancing emotional thinking is Sodalite. This navy blue to black stone also reduces stress and increases mental clarity. If you are seeking to be completely free of fear, wear a Sodalite pendant throughout the day.

As you go forward with color energy, it is important to keep in mind that once you start attracting the things, events or circumstances you want, your new life is also accompanied with change. The dynamics of your present life automatically start to shift as you attract new things, people, places and opportunities and this process often can also stir up hidden emotions and fears. Keep reminding yourself that as you attract what you want, life as you know it will continue to evolve into something brand new.

Anthony Robbins asked this question, "What does your soul know about you right now?" He then followed up the question with a statement, "Right now my soul knows that I am ____________." Fill out this line with as many great references about yourself and your future and continue to do so while working with color energy to release your fear. It will replace the transitory spirit of fear with the spirit of courage and power you deserve.

As always, create a prosperous week.

Leading An Inspired Life