Wednesday, March 21, 2012

9 Ways to Expand Your Vision with Color Energy

Spring has finally arrived and in most parts of the world, the flowers are blooming as the budding tree leaves produce feelings of abundance, transformation and regeneration. Since this is the year of the dragon, it is important to continue shedding old and outworn things in your closet, office and home. This action opens the pathway for the dragon to bring...
much needed growth into the life area you are focusing on to create. Along with this action, it is also important to expand your vision. Always remember, energy flows, where attention goes. Since the dragon is associated with regeneration, expanding your vision redirects your renewed energy to go towards specific desires, while remaining flexible along the way and releasing any mind-limitations your subconscious may be attempting to put in place as energy blocks.

Most on-the-go fashionistas have one terrific trait in common-determination. That one quality mixed with the right colors and ensembles propels and often steers you in the right direction, curtailing any unforeseen derailments. Although I do my best to keep the tone of this blog as upbeat and as uplifting as possible, it is also important to reflect on other issues that occur when working with color energy, like setbacks, discouragement and disappointment. These crossroads of life often pop up during periods of regeneration, which also include shedding outworn relationships, beliefs, attitudes and ideas. This essential step clears the ground-work for dragon energy and expansion. The reason for these uncomfortable crossroads? The universe is letting you know that you are moving energy. When mishaps happen, it is important to develop a game plan to deal with certain issues, empowering you even when facing unwanted situations. For instance, if you have done everything right, including clearing space, meditation and even taking an in-depth approach with color energy and things still seem stuck or do not go exactly as intended, the culprit is generally the size and scope of your vision for your desires and goals. See and dream BIG things for you, believing that the universe knows the best way how to deliver.

Feelings of fear, lack and not knowing how these big thoughts are going to come about creates the barrier keeping you away from seeing big goals and visions for your life. And yes, it is scary to dream elaborate and magnificent dreams. New goals bring change into your life at the moment you decide to take action and change can also manifest uncomfortable feelings. Most often than not we shy away from expansion, growth and new vision because the probability of pain from past disappointments outweigh the possibility of creating the vision, especially when all routes point to uncharted roads. It is important to engrave in our minds that the very thing we passionately want to create is the vision planted in our spirit to steer us to who we are meant to be on this earth. Once the outcome is achieved, you manifest your heaven on earth. As discussed in previous posts, most metaphysical authors refer to these visions as flashes of the mind, depicting your best self. These flashes reveal to you what the super-conscious, referred to as the God-mind, has created for you, even before you create it for yourself.

Here are 9 ways to expand your vision with color energy.

1-Most violet colored gemstones are associated with healing and purification of negative energies. Although the color violet is associated with assistance for meditation, violet stones hold high vibrating energy, which opens up the pathway for expanding your life vision. If you are shopping for stones, allow your eye to lead you to the right stone or crystal by observing where you focus your attention. Amethyst, Purpurite, Tanzanite and Sugilite are great high-vibrating stones and crystals.

2-Close your eyes and see what mental images flash across your mind. Take a few minutes to focus on the breath to create a calm and quiet moment. Wearing loose fitting, light-colored clothing also act as clearing boosters to relax the mind. As you feel your mind relax, reflect on what you have done for your regeneration. Ask yourself gentle questions, like have you missed any steps while renewing yourself, wardrobe and space? Let answers calmly rise to the surface at their own pace.

3-Become the observer of your mind as the answers surface. This process often generates a feeling of separation. As the observer, advise yourself on what necessary changes need to take place for growth. Do not be surprised if old feelings of disappointment or insecurity reappear during this process. If tears come, allow them to flow. Breathe out the old you and breathe in revitalized new energy, with the intention to refresh your spirit and vision. Use clear quartz.

4-Gently stand and continue the relaxed state. Although you can light a white candle to clear the space, you can also clear your space by covering TV set or computers with beautiful fabric, which includes colors that calm you. This is especially important for bedrooms that double as work spaces or have desks with documents.

5-Stretch the body gently as you reflect on the picture of your life right now. Your present circumstances constantly speak to you as to how you are internally feeling. Steer clear of any inner critic tapes your mind attempts to play during stretching and relaxed movement.

6-Journal your experience and jot down any new insights that have surfaced. Take a few minutes to write out what is happening right now.

7-Write down all new thoughts or expanded visions that have surfaced, continuing in your relaxed state. Let your hand go free to write. It doesn't matter if sentences are incomplete. Just let your inner spirit run free to reveal to you your next step. Solutions to your most pressing problems come during moments of complete peace and relaxation.

8-Shake it off. Sounds funny, but true. Once you have stepped out of the relaxed state, gently shake your arms, legs, hips and body for the old energy to shake off and new energy to circulate. This practice is great as a revitalizing exercise in the morning. Face the window and let the natural sunlight cover you as you shake it off. Its okay to leave the shades down to protect you from any negative energies neighbors or passersby may harbor.

9-Wear the colors you have chosen for your goals with a renewed and refreshed attitude. Remember, you must be willing to receive new circumstances with an open and ready heart.

As always, create a great and prosperous week!

Leading An Inspired Life