Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Capitalize the Power of Your "Now" with Color Energy

For some reason this month I have been able to catch certain motivational coaches speak on TV and browse through helpful books. Coincidence? Skeptics most likely think it is. As a recovering skeptic gently stepping into the world of believing, I am proud to say that I am now a firm believer that there are no coincidences in life. It's a tough concept to grasp when you've been skeptical about outer forces working in the universe in your favor and for your good. This time I briefly watched Deepak Chopra, the mind-body healer. What I took away from the lecture was the importance of the present moment and how it impacts...
your life if you choose to not harness the power of your "now." Operative and keywords are "choose" and "now." These words are significant for any fashionista wanting to create or attract success. For example, most small business owners constantly look at sales forecasting charts or past products that did not "move/sell' as well as expected to develop present budgets for product development. Your responsible "business-mind" leads you down this path, but the "creative-now mind" suffers. You often skip over certain ideas that remind you of disappointments or perhaps budget constraints stop you in your inspirational tracks. Several days later, I thought of Eckhart Tolle's book "The Power of Now." As I browsed through the book, somehow the page I landed on discussed the difference between "clock time" and "psychological time."

"If you set yourself a goal and work toward it, you are using clock time. You are aware of where you want to go, but you honor and give your fullest attention to the step that you are taking at this moment. If you then become excessively focused on your goal, perhaps because you are seeking happiness, fulfillment, or a more complete sense of self in it, the Now is no longer honored...Clock time then turns into psychological time. Your life's journey is no longer an adventure, just an obsessive need to arrive, to attain, to "make it." You no longer see...the Now." Eckhart Tolle

This got me thinking of how this relates to color energy. In previous posts we've touched upon selecting colors in our wardrobes that will attract specific situations or events. But what about using color energy to capitalize on the "now," regardless of where you are or what is going on that you want to change? Being stuck in the past or living in the future-mind creates a life that becomes stagnant and joyless. The wheels forever spin without a clear destination. This is not what color energy is all about because it prevents you from capitalizing on the metaphysical qualities that specific colors represent. Mixing color energy with fashion is supposed to be a fun and creative vehicle for you to attain your goals and also for you to learn what works and doesn't work-right NOW. 

Often times the hurts and disappointments of the past continue to linger in our systems and cloud our judgement when making decisions in the here and now. This led me to question how color energy can help to capitalize our "nows." So, if you look at yourself in the mirror right this very second, exactly how you are, this is how you are supposed to be to accomplish your goals right now. You have the tools within you to pull yourself out of any situation by making a firm decision and commitment to shift your mind and perspective right now, as you are. As you wear your specific color, channel your energy to attract the situation you desire right now. Be gentle with yourself, especially if you are facing challenges, and avoid any judgmental inner-critic comments that will cancel out the very energy you want to harness.

Deepak Chopra stated that he recited this prayer to himself, "The past is gone, the future is not here. Now I am free of both. What do I choose now?"  He then followed up with the statement,  "The spirit is a field of infinite possibilities." Think about that. You, as you are right now, are a field of infinite possibilities, including solutions to your most pressing issues. So, when the end does not feel as if it is in sight, this is the time to get up and fight as many more rounds as you've got in you. When you attack a problem from a solution-driven angle, you will solve the problem. No, it is not easy. Especially if your mind is constantly racing with a million unfiltered thoughts about what needs to get done or what your present circumstances are. Come up with a tactic to force yourself out of this negative space. Deepak Chopra suggested saying out-loud the word "Stop."

Look at your life as your own movie production. You are the director, choreographer, producer, and star of your film. Rewrite your story right now and then take time to visualize and re-imagine your future. Believe me, this process will instantly free your mind's eye and guide you to truly believe that everything is absolutely possible, regardless of how you are going to get there or how big the goal may seem. No, it is not easy if your mind is constantly racing with a million unfiltered thoughts about what needs to get done or what your present circumstances are. So, when you step out to accomplish whatever tasks you need to move you forward to your goals wearing your color choice, allow your spirit to guide your footsteps "now," allowing grace and miracles to come through. Some folks call it good luck. Well, according to Deepak Chopra, good luck is a state of grace you have allowed in your presence as the spirit walks with you. Know that when grace, miracles or luck appear in your now, it is a clear sign that you opened your heart and energy for it to enter your life. You are now capitalizing your present moment, your "now." Use color energy as your personal "capitalizer."

As always, create a prosperous week.

Leading An Inspired Life