Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Unblocking Your Subconscious with Color Energy

Happy year of the horse! If you are off and running, this will prove to be a year of accomplishments. This is especially true for anyone that "sowed many seed goals." The year of the horse is a time to gallop your way into reaping the benefits of your harvest at a rapid pace. However, if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed or frazzled and you feel as if you are being led astray from accomplishing your goals, it could be that your spirit has a few leftover stones blocking your path. Stones? I had the same question.

I was switching channels and discovered Joyce Meyer Ministries. I had never seen or heard of this person before but when the universe wants you to receive a message, it will use any means, be it a book, TV or bumping into someone that will say or do something that will make everything "click" or connect with or for you. Although the topic touched upon different areas, Joyce kept touching upon past hurts that turn into invisible stones that eventually block you from achieving the very thing you want. If you visualize your inner spirit as a wishing well, we all have a choice to fill it with clear and flowing waters made of big dreams, hopes, accomplishments, great memories, visualizations and inspired action for your life. However, the same holds true if your well is filled with disappointments, discouragement, rejection and every past hurt imaginable. Each hurt, unwanted circumstance or event turns into a stone. And what happens to a well that is filled to the brim with rocks, mud and stones? Eventually the well dries up. Its the same for our inner spirit that is directly connected to our subconscious. It also reflects what you carry in your heart every waking moment of the day and continues to dig deep into the crevices of your mind while you sleep. Thus, your inspired creativity hits roadblocks, your energy is zapped and you generally are impacted with waves of a lackluster initiative towards finishing your projects.

So what if you assign a specific color for each stone that is blocking your well? If you have been diligent with your daily meditations or have set aside a special time to visualize, this is a great way to pinpoint the very area of your subconscious that is blocked. Choose a specific color that will represent each unwanted stone. This practice also helps you see the stone through your inner eye. Watch the stone as it completely dissolves while releasing your past hurt or circumstance.

3 Ways to Unblock Your Subconscious 
with Color Energy
1=Keep a journal. If you started a color journal several posts ago, add a section for the purpose of unblocking your subconscious and keep track of your progress.

2=Label each stone with a specific color that represents the hurt or event that you are ready to let go of. Use this color to associate it with the stone that has created the block in your subconscious. Remember, as long as you carry the block, the very goal you are working so hard for most likely will continue to elude you or keep you longer on "delay highway."

3=Dissolve the stone and the color during your meditation and visualization. Make a decision that once you dissolve the stone and color in your mind, you are determined to let it go as it dissipates into its native nothingness. You are turning over that specific circumstance or event to the universe. It no longer belongs to you or serves your life.

It is key to remember before you start your stone removal that you have to be absolutely sure that you are ready and willing to let go of whatever worn out emotions, relationships, careers, people or situations. If you are not ready to let go of the old coat that is blocking you, ask yourself WHY?

Holding onto these "stones" also has a requirement. You will need to ADMIT to yourself that YOU WANT to continue TO BLOCK YOUR LIFE from its full manifestation and your full potential. 

Now there's something that rattles the cage. Say it out loud to yourself:

 "I am NOT capable of letting go of all my hurts and disappointments because..." 

I am sure that statement creates an unnerving energy within your core. Do you know why? Because you have seeds of greatness within you that are ready and waiting for you and only you to tap into and plant so you can reap your harvest this year of the horse. When is it going to be your time? You decide!

If you have had a lingering issue that does not seem to go away, often times your heart gets used to it and keeps it in your midst. The energy of the circumstance seems to seep into your personal space as if becoming part of your existence. Look at this familiar stone through a different lens. This particular stone is keeping you from your personal growth and it is not allowing you to make room for the manifestation of your dream.

If your inner spirit feels a bit unhinged during this process, it just means the stones are beginning to shift. Trust in your vision and ask Infinite Intelligence for the grace to gently let go of the stones. For some reason I always envisioned grace as a cosmic energy that came down to only a fortunate few. It is available to anyone that asks for it. Although I keep this blog pretty open to any religious belief, I would like to share my interpretation of a story Joyce Meyer talked about regarding a job that she had many years prior to the start of her ministry. Although she wanted to leave that particular job, she chose to pray about the decision. She received the understanding that perhaps she had been given the job to learn something that was specific to her dream of starting the ministry. She embraced the job and the funny thing was that when she was ready to leave it to start her ministry, she didn't want to go. She prayed once again for strength to exit gracefully without fear or reservation. What does that have to do with stones? Once you decide that you want to remove the stones that are blocking your subconscious, asking for the grace to do it will alleviate the process.

So before you are ready to gallop into the sunset of manifestation, take some time to clear your pathway. Remember, once you unblock your "subconscious well," manifestation will unfold and your creativity and right ideas will once again flow freely as it was intended.

As always, create a prosperous week.

Leading An Inspired Life