Friday, June 7, 2013

Retrain Your Subconscious Mind to Manifest Your Dreams

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won.
It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours.
 Ayn Rand
Quotes. Someone else's words written on a page, sometimes to encourage and inspire us and often times to make us think. Most of the blog posts that I have written about in recent months have revolved around linking color energy with fashion ideas to produce a desired result. But lately I have been thinking about one of the main ingredients needed to produce a desired result.

Simply, its the internal intensity you have to want things to change. 

Without a deep, burning desire that becomes your predominant thought the subconscious does not have enough power or fuel to get anything started in the direction you want things to go. Although color is used as an attracting energy source, without feeding your subconscious mind the right details, no color on this earth can maximize or manifest your desired end result. 
Here comes a tough question to ask yourself and you have to be truthful and honest in order to succeed. Do you allow your emotions to run your day? If you feel down, upset, frustrated or even disappointment for a good portion of the day, now you know why you have been unable to manifest what you want. If its a mixed bag of thoughts and feelings, then guess what you get, a mixed bag of results. 

"Thought concentrated on a definite purpose becomes power...What, then, is the most natural way of making the desired impression? Mentally concentrate on the object of your desire; when you are concentrating you are impressing the subconscious." 
So this leads me to the area on how to retrain the subconscious mind using color as an active tool. Our subconscious is the mind tool we all share in common, regardless of where we are from or what our cultures and traditions teach us. This mind engine proceeds at the pace you dictate, whether good or bad. It does not decipher, discriminate or chooses right from wrong, it just acts. So this leads to the beginning of the topic, if we want change but the desired change is not our predominant thought, our subconscious works against us. Not on purpose or with its own agenda. Its because of what we are feeding it all day long. If you have resigned yourself to think about your existing circumstances, especially if they are unwanted circumstances, the subconscious can not direct your paths. And that includes the color you have selected for attraction.

This past week I was taking a continuing education course and the instructor posed this question, "How does one truly succeed when nothing around you points to guaranteed success at the present moment?" One of the students, who is a highly successful business entrepreneur quickly stated, "Visualizations. Its your continuous belief, work and thought process; seeing yourself in the realm you want to experience that leads to self-actualization." Well here I was sitting in a class that I did not want to take, thinking about how to get the manifestation wheels to turn faster and the universe sends me to a course to hear the answer. This highly successful person did not miss one second to answer the question, meaning that he practiced this skill and won. The same entrepreneur went on to say that the visualizations have to be accompanied with a daily action plan, a series of small steps that must be accomplished in order for the big picture to appear. 

A series of small steps. Hmmm??? Interesting. So then it leads to another thought. If we feed our subconscious mind bad food like unconscious statements that lead us to believe, think and feel that the big picture is too overwhelming to handle, guess where this leaves our subconscious. Stuck. Running in circles. Taking two steps forward and three steps back. 

I listened to Dr. Wayne W. Dyer again over the weekend and he stated that in order to change your destiny, you had to change your thought. He went on to explain that retraining your subconscious mind was hard work and that in order to accomplish it, a dramatic shift in your subconscious had to occur. It is a big job and you have to make a firm commitment to yourself and remain determined to deprogram and retrain your subconscious. One of the statements that stopped me in my tracks was when he mentioned that every negative thought or feeling we experience is a form of contamination for our subconscious. You are the spark to your imagination. I was reading Lillian Too's book on how to declutter and in one of the chapters she suggests taking a pad and pen to right down exactly what you really want before starting the declutter process in your home. Not what you think you should have, but what you have always wanted from your gut. Any unrelenting frustration you feel is your inner spirit letting you know that you are not allowing it to expand to your fullest potential. Read and think about that sentence again. You are not allowing to meet your highest potential. Why? Who were you sent here to be? Answer it. I am quite sure you are someone that was sent here to accomplish great things--things you may not think possible but you were sent here fully equipped to accomplish.

Ask yourself how would you feel if your wish were realized and manifested right now. Use that question before you go to sleep. Instead of going through the laundry list of disappointments you may have encountered, tell yourself you will do better tomorrow and then capture the feeling as if the life you truly want is here right now. If you are open to read the Bible, read this verse.

"In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction..." Job 33: 15-16

Dr. Dyer stated that just in that quote we are being told that just before we fall asleep any last thoughts you may have, whether good or bad, you are sealing its instruction to the subconscious mind. Think with your best interests at heart. 

"Mind is static energy, thought is dynamic energy--the two phases of the same thing. Thought is therefore the vibratory force formed by converting static mind into dynamic mind...All power is from within, and is absolutely under your control...The world within is the cause, the world without the effect, to change the effect you must change the cause...It has been found that by plainly stating to the subconscious mind certain specific things to be accomplished, forces are set in operation that lead to the result desired." 

So instead of going through all of the colors and its natural properties, lets break new ground...harvest ground. I challenge you as well as myself that for the rest of the month of June you are going to pledge to feed your subconscious mind the things you want to manifest. Write out the date of your commitment that you will be starting this pledge. At the end of June, write down just one good thing that occurred. That is all we are looking for, just one thing. If more happened, then your retraining is on the fast track. Start a "Subconscious Mind Proof Journal." If you are anything like me, someone who questions everything and has a tough time to believe things that can not be seen immediately (I think the word is impatient) this journal will be invaluable on those days you feel you may want to quit.

As always, create a prosperous week; create a prosperous subconscious.

Leading An Inspired Life